Social Media & Paganism

I have just started using Facebook on a regular basis and I have found that it’s actually not a bad way of sharing & learning. Now don’t get me wrong I think that Facebook is a nightmare for certain people due to bullying etc but I have found that as long as you are careful you can use it as a positive tool.

I have recently joined several groups so that I can learn more about different aspects of my spirituality. I have joined a group on shamanism as well as several different druid based groups.

What Social Media has allowed me to do is befriend many people that are like minded including several authors on Druidry, Wicca, Shamanism, Animism and many other aspects of spirituality like Silver Ravenwolf, Emma Restall Orr & Phillip Carr Gomm. It has allowed me to make friends with pagans in different countries and meet up with others at places like Avebury & Stonehenge for ceremonies/festivals.

All I would say is that on your journey use whatever tools you can but always be aware that some people join these groups just to try putting down you & your beliefs. Join groups that your friends are members of.