The Norse Gods

When you normally think of myths we automatically think of the Greeks and there gods of Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. The Greeks had only 12 main gods with a few added in later. Unlike the Greeks though the Norse had anywhere between 12 to 15 depending on how you look at it.

The Norse gods were broke up into gods with the traits of war, combat, order, and sky. This group of gods were called The Aesir. The other group of gods were broken up into the other category with the traits of “earth, fertility and prosperity” This group was The Vanir.

Even with so many of the Norse gods, there a few that were more important to the Norse myth followers. These gods had traits that were important to the common life of the Norse people. Some of these gods had the same traits as the Greek gods. 

List of Gods and Goddesses


Odin – God of wisdom, war and poetry & magic

Thor – God of Lightning, oak trees, and strength & battle

Freyr- God of weather and farming. 

Tyr – God of single combat and order.

Forseti- God of Law and Justice.

Ullr- God of the Hunt.


Freyja- Goddess of Fertility, Love, and Death

Idunna- Goddess of Youth and Beauty

Sif- Goddess of Harvest

Hel – Goddess of Death and preciseds over the underworld.

Frigg – Goddess of Prophecy, marriage and Queen of the Gods.

Odin also had Several animals like Sleipner the 8 legged horse, Hugin & Munin and Geri & Freiki his wolves


Odin "All Fathet"

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