Pagan Parenting

As more people become pagan, people are deciding to bring up their children as pagans. As paganism becomes more accepted in many circles the decisions you make with regards to,
.Religious Education
.Inclusion in festivals
.Christian Holidays

These things may seem like normal everyday matters that all parents deal with all the time but believe me when my girls came to live with me I thought they were going to burn me at the stake.

When it comes to religious education you need to remember most schools will only talk about the Abrahamic religions and skim really quickly over paganism.  You will need to balance this out by giving your children more information about whichever path you follow. I found it easier to wait till they asked.

For years now we have celebrated Christmas for the girls but we have decided that this December 2014 we are celebrating Yule instead which the girls seem interested in. We have added little bits over the years and explained to them what each thing means like Yule logs, Mistletoe etc.

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