What’s in a Gods Name?

Druidism isn’t exactly what people would expect in today’s society. The assumptions that people make about Druidry are based primarily on the writings of the Romans. When people think of Druids they picture Gandalf type figures with long beards, robes and a walking staff. They imagine that we dance around fires in the woods sacrificing animals & people to see into the future or appease the gods.

As a druid I want to show society the principles of living in harmony with everyone and everything around us. To look after our Mother as she has looked after us. Druidism is a way of life and although not a religion, Druids have spiritual values which stem from the belief in a Creator and life force or supreme power of the universe. Druidism is by is very nature, Educational.

Preserving our nations waterways, forests and wildlife, as well as helping with our pollution problems in general is part of being a Druid as we are the caretakers of this planet not the owners. Everybody comes to Druidry, or paganism in general, for many different reasons. For some it’s to reconnect with their roots or family history; to improve their knowledge and learn the ways of their ancestors. Some are simply attracted by the relationship that exists between us and the natural world, whilst others cannot find what they need from the dogma and prejudices found in the seemingly more socially acceptable religions. As a Druid, to me it matters not if my friends are Jewish, Islamic, Christian or Jedi. Druids try to attune themselves with nature and revere all life as equal and created by God(s); the name of the God(s) is of less importance than the belief of Creator(s) existence.

When I think about all the deaths and violence going on in the world and the suffering of people based on who they believe in it makes me stop and wonder why. Why can’t we as a species learn to live together and accept that people believe different things. I find it hard to accept that any God(s) gain any pleasure from us destroying each other through religion, war or pollution.

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