Being a Druid in the Modern Age

What does it mean to be a Druid in this modern day and age?

Being a Druid today it’s almost impossible for us to live in the same manner as our Celtic ancestors did. We couldn’t with all our current technology and with this our whole belief system must change. We are still able to follow our ancestors and the traditions they had and we can still honour the land where we live. We can try to work and live in tune with the natural cycles of the Sun, Moon & Planet and to live in accordance with the natural world.



The Druids of old were completely involved with their spiritual path it wasn’t just for weekends or the festivals eight times a year. It encompassed their entire lives. 
Today we may not have their status and authority of old, However Druids today show their devotion to the natural world through Poetry, Songs, Stories, Crafts and much more. Our love of nature no matter who bestowed it to us guides us along our chosen path and colours our way of life and our view of the world.


Great horned deer

Although the Druids of old were Celtic people today can call him/herself a Druid without any Celtic blood in their family line.  Within Druidry, we honour the ancestors through the land and their traditions. I have mixed Celtic & Nordic ancestry in my tree I learn from studying what and how the Celts and Nords viewed the world around them and find out what it was like, from their different cultures, art and history, archaeology and more. This inspires me and colours my pathway and I hope shows the spirits of my ancestors and the spirit of the world around me that although I can’t live like my ancestors I try to, to the best of !y abilities.


Triple Goddess

The ancient Druids were the educated class, according to historical accounts by others about the Druids. They were the Lawyers, Judges, Doctors and Teachers. They had the ears of Kings & Warriors alike. Today we Druids seek to learn all that we can about our place in the natural world. One person may be inspired to heal people with herbs and learn all that they can about that path. Another may use their words to convey the awen gifted to them by the gods, their ancestors or even the land around them. Yet another might decide to be a park ranger or work within the RSPCA working to protect wildlife and domestic animals.
What this shows is our need to continuously learn, we will never know everything but as Druids we are always learning, and we are never afraid to ask others to improve our relationship with the world of Spirits & Ancestors.

So being a Druid today is to-
Live in accordance with nature.
Honour nature in everything that we do.
Show our dedication and devotion to the land and our Gods.
To help people who live in the community around us.
To educate people about our beliefs.



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